Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cat Scan

Now I wish it had been this easy.....

Yesterday I had my long awaited for cat scan.It is of my head .....Whoa I can tell you now there is nothing there ha ha  anyhow It was my fault it hadn't been done sooner but I don't care.I don't do these type of things easy.

I didn't want to do it and I don't want to know the results.
I would rather just not know .that way there is no expectations I can just cruise along by myself and slowly but surely I should get better.....

Weird isn't it.I was sobbing like a big fat baby when the guy took me in,I am so use to Kev being there and for this he wasn't allowed so it was solo for me.
I DON"T DO SOLO........
Well that alone should have sent me packing..........

Then I looked at the machine and said "I won't fit in that so I will see you later"
 "NO you will fit fine come on "he says.
Like this guy is getting pushy.....where is Kev..he should be here.

So I walk over over to machine and lay down -still sobbing.but now I am pulling at my fingers -wringing them...."RELAX" he says ...
Finally it is over,I walk out to the car and wonderful Kev said I deserve a McDonald's ice cream cone for being brave....and the LM said he was brave too...

So on Monday I pick up the results Its weird now I am calm there will be nothing in the results to change anything,
I will keep plodding along in pain and living on painkillers.Such an exciting life....

well at least I did it mum....told you I would.God I sound like a 7yr old kid not the old lady I am but hey I am sick so I can be whatever I want,(there is that kid again )ha ha

dee xx

PS Out of the mouths of babes...............

The Little Man says some really funny things now -I love it.........

Today he came up to me and said I was the bestest mummy ....too cute but Da was the bestest daddy cause he had to work for 100yrs...ha ha Oh and he is the bestest baby  and Kerry is the bestest girl...Well that's how he has it worked out in his head..

dee x

1 comment:

  1. You were soooooooo brave with the cat scan, I knew that you could do it, it is always fear of the unknown. I always overcome things like that by saying to myself over & over there have been hundreds before me & will be hundreds after me. Failing that, think of the person there in their underwear, it makes you laugh of smile. always good at a job interview. It does usually work. Love Mum xxx


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Dee x